Spot Plasma

Facial and Body Tightening

Plasma Fibroblast is a revolutionary cosmetic treatment which offers an alternative to invasive surgical procedures. Plasma Fibroblast delivers results which rival surgical procedures, but with minimal downtime and without having to go under the knife!

Loose Skin and Wrinkles

This treatment is delivered using an electronic hand-piece called the plasma pen. This device uses a small metal probe to ionize atmospheric gas, producing a tiny plasma ash between the device tip and the patient’s skin. This minute superficial trauma causes the skin in its vicinity to tighten and lift, giving results that are noticeable immediately after only one treatment.

Stretch Marks and Scars

The elasticity of the skin and skin tightening will continue to improve as the skin heals and repairs. More than just the tightening effect, excess skin is removed so the results will last as long as with a surgical procedure. Treating everything from fine lines and scarring, to skin tags and smoker’s lines, crow’s feet and droopy eyelids. A completely safe procedure, suitable for all ages and most skin tones, an ideal treatment for anyone who wants to achieve a smoother, more youthful-looking complexion with results which are incredibly natural!

Before & After

If you have questions or want to know if Spot Plasma Treatments are right for you contact us at (208)999-5445


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